Albert Bos’s Sheffield Regional 1st Team
Albert Bos│2017.4.8
- Introduction
- Team Building Process
- Pokémon Details
- Leading Combinations & How to Play The Team
- Final Thoughts
Hello everyone I’m Albert Bos the champion of the VG Sheffield regional and I’m glad to be here to show you the secrets of my team!
I built it with my friend Àlex the evening before the event, we hadn’t team and we wanted to build something together and it really worked perfectly! Let’s see how we build it and what were we thinking during the build!
Team Building Process
We have no idea what we wanted to build so we decided to start with a Pokémon that we hadn’t already used, a really good Pokémon that put a lot of work against the defensive cores of the meta and breaks well the standard core of Arcanine+Tapu Fini+Garchomp (with hidden power ice of course), the awesome Nihilego!
Ok we had a really good Pokémon to build around, what’s next? easy, let’s think what nihilego loses against! Celesteela Gastrodon Gigalith Snorlax Kartana… So we thought! ey and what about a grass type to cover Gigalith and Gastrodon and cover the ground and water moves? But there are not a really strong grass types in Alola, kartana maybe? but it’s really countered nowadays, so yes, we put Tapu Bulu a really underrated Pokémon and the tape with lower % of usage but a really nice option to weak enemy Garchomp earthquakes and to put a lot of physical damage and a decent bulk.
What now? well if we see Nihilego counters we can see that steel types can counter Nihilego and Tapu Bulu too… really strong type… so what we need now? Of course a Fire type to knock out the annoying Celesteelas and Kartanas around the world! Maybe Alolan Marowak? naah we needed some damage control, intimidate snarl… we had to use the most used Pokémon of the metagame! we needed Arcanine!
We really had a powerful core, with one Tapu, one Ultra Beast, but…
Albert Bos
Competitive Pokémon player-VGC 18th position 2010 & Top8 2011-Instructor Monster Hunter en la academia de 4puercosteam-Game Programmer 【Twitter】@AlbertBMidnight
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