Justin Burns’ 2nd place St. Louis Regional report
Justin Burns│2017.4.10
- Introduction
- The Team
- Ninetales-Alola
- Tapu Lele
- Arcanine
- Drifblim
- Garchomp
- Snorlax
- The Tournament
Hello, my name is Justin Burns (@SpurrificVGC on Twitter) and I’m the runner-up from the recent North American regional that took place near St. Louis, Missouri.
I’ve played VGC since October of 2014 and competed in the 2015 and 2016 World Championships. I started off well in this format with a 6th place finish at the Dallas, Texas Regional, which matched what was my best placement at a regional at the time. However, at the next regional in Georgia, I had a performance that felt much worse than my 6-3 record made it look. In the 6 or so weeks between the regionals in Georgia and St. Louis, I had lost almost all confidence in my play and was consistently struggling in practice.
At the beginning of the week leading into the tournament, I threw together a team to use for an online tournament match and afterwards decided to look at the team a bit more. I found myself improving with this team and after making more changes during the week, some of them being as late as Friday night, I decided to go with this team for the regional.
The Team
Ninetales-Alola @ Focus Sash
Ability: Snow Warning
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
– Blizzard
– Aurora Veil
– Icy Wind
– Encore
I had been playing a lot of games with Ninetales teams in the weeks leading up to the tournament, so I decided early on that I would be taking it to the regional. Ninetales makes up for its poor offense with a variety of support moves and a speed tier that allows it to pin down certain threats, most notably Garchomp, with Blizzard. While many players run Freeze-Dry, I opted to go with Icy Wind and Encore to focus on supporting the other members of the team more. I think…
Justin Burns
Pokémon VGC player from the US / WCS16 Day 2 competitor / 2nd place 2017 St. Louis regionals 【Twitter】@SpurrificVGC
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