Cell’s 77th Dex Off 1st place Report – Buzzwole Switch[VGC2017]
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Hi there, I go by the name “cell” online and I recently finished 1st at the DEX off grass roots tournament and wanted to share the team I used since I got the generous offer to do so from AMALGAME.
77th Dex Off [Final] cell vs そうち(souchi)
How the team was built
I started playing VGC2017 around late December when my college’s winter break began. Around this time (and even to this day) the core of Tapu Fini, Kartana, Arcanine was very popular and I knew I wanted to build a team that was strong against this core.
After examining the core, I noticed that the pair of Gengar and Gastrodon had a good match up against the three and so I went on to find the remaining Pokemon which were strong against what were usually added to the core, such as Porygon2, Garchomp, Ninetails-A. To fit these roles, I ended up with Porygon2, Gigalith and of course the star of the team, Buzzwole.
Team Details
Gengar @ Focus Sash
Ability: Cursed Body
Level: 50
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
– Shadow Ball
– Sludge Bomb
– Trick Room
– Protect
I wanted Gengar because it hits Tapu Fini for super effective damage and has just enough speed to out speed Kartana. The ghost+poison typing is very strong in a meta game with Tapu’s running around almost everywhere and…
ポケモン/jubeat/麻雀/野球中日/ひなビタ/てうぽけ副代表&会計 twitter→@cell_cold
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